Bardolino & Chiaretto
wine route

From Bardolino to the hills of Costermano, it descends to Garda and Torri del Benaco. Back in Bardolino it climbs to Cavaion Veronese, Affi, Caprino Veronese and Rivoli Veronese, from where it leads to Monte Baldo. The wine route follows to Pastrengo, Castelnuovo del Garda and Lazise in the south, leading to Peschiera del Garda and Valeggio sul Mincio and ending in Sommacampagna, Sona and Bussolengo.

Lake Garda wines
Lake Garda Wines

The Bardolino wine is made primarily of Corvina Veronese grapes, with smaller amounts of Rondinella and also some minor grapes. Its colour is bright ruby red. Bardolino is subtly fruity with hints of cherry, strawberry, raspberry, redcurrant and spices (cinnamon, clove and black pepper). It’s an easy-drinking wine, which perfectly matches a variety of dishes.

Chiaretto is the rosé version of Bardolino. It’s made of the same grapes and the colour varies from rosy pink to coral red. The Chiaretto surprises with scents of flowers, wood berries as raspberries and strawberries, cherry and green apple as well as sweet spices and chlorophyll. It’s perfect as an aperitif and it pairs well with appetizers, rice and pasta dishes, as well as freshwater and saltwater fish or even sushi and pizza.

Featured Wineries

Cantina sponsor
Cantina di Custoza

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Cantina sponsor
Garda Natura

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Cantina sponsor
Le Morette
Peschiera Del Garda

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Cantina sponsor
Le Tende

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Wineroute Municipalities